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Policy Explanation


TO: [First Name of employee] [Last Name of employee]
[Title of employee]

FROM: [First Name of employer] [Last Name of employer]
[Title of employer]

DATE: [Date]

RE: Overtime pay

With the seasonal rush approaching, many of you may be required to work overtime during the upcoming proposal/review period. The following will briefly explain the overtime policy of our company.

Salaried employees are compensated for time worked in excess of 45 hours per week. Such employees do not receive monetary compensation, but instead receive compensatory time off at a 1:1 ratio. Therefore, a salaried employee who works 50 hours in a given week shall receive [Hours to receive for compensation] hours of compensatory time off, to be taken anytime before that employee's next annual review. This, of course, is to be arranged with the employee's immediate supervisor.

Hourly employee's receive special monetary compensation for time worked in excess of 40 hours for a given week. All hours in excess of the usual 40 hour work week will be calculated at 1.5 times the employee's hourly rate. An employee who works [Daily hours] hours per day, Monday through Friday, will receive [Amount received for extra hours] hours of overtime pay. An employee who works 9 hours per day Monday through Thursday, but takes half a day off on Friday, will receive pay for the regular [Regular schedule] hours as no overtime hours were worked in excess of the [Regular schedule]-hour work week.

Please call [Person in charge of matter] at Ext. [Phone in charge of matter] for all questions and concerns. Please refer to p. [Page of company handbook] of your company handbook for further details concerning overtime pay.